Tuesday, March 23, 2010

What's this all about?

For one reason or another, we are separated. You have in one way or another deepened an enriched my faith. So I had an idea. Not a very original idea, but an idea none the less. I would like to carry on faith discussions on this blog. As I am in transition right now, it would mean so much to mean to have a place that is vibrantly spiritual to go to to recharge. You have words that push me me to grow and I'd be grateful if you could dialog a bit.

I've invited a number of people to share their thoughts and ideas here. Some are staunchly conservative, some are wildly liberal. Some have deep conviction about what they believe and others unsure and agnostic.
To me  -- and Ulrich for that matter -- what makes a good spiritual discussion are multiple points of view, a safe place and interesting, deep questions. 

So, that means that openness, honesty and respect are all key to making this work.

With that, I'd like to start the discussion with the title -- what does rûach awakening mean to you? Is it a good title for this? Would you have other names?


Mad Dasher said...

what does Ruach mean?

this is amber btw....

Sara said...

Ruach is the Greek word for "spirit" when spoken it feels like wind. So, it has this image of a spirit like wind blowing.

I thought of the title because faith is something you can't see, but feel blowing through you. As the wind blows on us, we awaken to the things God is doing in and around us.

Leslie said...

Cool title. :) I only just now saw an invitation to "like" the Facebook page -- did you send out an email?

Joan N said...

Thanks for inviting me....John does allow us to work outside of boundaries....since Jesus his whole life on earth worked outside of boundaries and John was seen as "somewhat" out of touch with the society of his time. (Can we blame him...because he knew that he knew what they didn't know because he just knew you know what I mean?) Thus we are free to go whatever way the spirit blows us....awesome!!
This could be our most excellent adventure,, "party on dudes" in the words of Bill and Ted.